818 Tequila Reposado 700ml
818 Tequila Reposado 700ml
Pauls Liquor Outlet Store (Western Sydney) -Please call us 02 9622 7956 for preferred location
11 Hill End Road
Doonside NSW 2767
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818 Tequila Reposado 700ml
818 Tequila Reposado has a smooth caramel finish, with bolder notes of cooked agave and pecan pie after ageing in a blend of oak barrels for three months.Truly excellent tequila is something worth searching for, savouring, and celebrating. At 818, we bring you tequila from family-owned farms in Jalisco, using only the highest quality ingredients. We believe 818 tastes best when you can enjoy a glass with those you love - so cheers: here’s to the place you call home.
Our tequila’s journey starts with the work of skilled jimadores, agave farmers local to the Tequila region. They identify agaves located in the Los Valles region of Tequila, finding optimal conditions for 818 by waiting for at least 7 years for the agaves to reach peak maturity.
ABV 40%
If you would like Click & Collect option
Please select Pick up on checkout screen and email us on Info@paulsliquor.com.au in order to let us know which store you prefer to pick up from (excluding Singleton)
Orders are generally ready for pick up within 24-48 hours. A confirmation email will be sent out once product is ready for pick up.
11 Hillend Road Doonside
NSW 2767
Kings Langley
1/1 Solander Road Kings Langley
NSW 2147
Shop 13/6 Victoria Street Werrington
NSW 2747
North Richmond
2/41 Bells line of Road North Richmond
NSW 2754
48 Dublin Street Smithfield
NSW 2164
West Hoxton
Shop 6, Fifteenth Avenue West Hoxton
NSW 2171