Hennessy Paradis Cognac 700ml
Hennessy Paradis Cognac 700ml
Pauls Liquor Outlet Store (Western Sydney) -Please call us 02 9622 7956 for preferred location
11 Hill End Road
Doonside NSW 2767
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Hennessy Paradis Cognac 700ml
Since its establishment in the region of Cognac, France in 1765, Hennessy has continued to uphold its exceptional heritage of adventure, discovery, and the pursuit of the best that nature and mankind have to offer. With over 250 years of history and success across five continents, the Maison is dedicated to passing on its unique savoir-faire, constantly seeking innovation, and remaining committed to the values of Creation, Excellence, Legacy, and Sustainable Development. Crafted by Maurice Fillioux in 1979, Hennessy Paradis is a luxurious and harmonious cognac. The blend of eaux-de-vie reflects the delightful personality of the cognac - supple, light, and round. This results in a graceful, silky, and finely balanced cognac with a beautiful coppery gold color, a result of years spent aging in old casks. The aroma boasts delicate floral notes of jasmine and honeysuckle, complemented by intense red fruit and exquisite spices. On
ABV 40%
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NSW 2767
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NSW 2147
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NSW 2747
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2/41 Bells line of Road North Richmond
NSW 2754
48 Dublin Street Smithfield
NSW 2164
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Shop 6, Fifteenth Avenue West Hoxton
NSW 2171