Roku Gin 1L
Roku Gin 1L
Pauls Liquor Outlet Store (Western Sydney) -Please call us 02 9622 7956 for preferred location
11 Hill End Road
Doonside NSW 2767
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Roku Gin 1L
The founder of Suntory, Shinjiro Torii, wanted to create original Japanese spirits the whole world can enjoy, uniquely made from Japan’s nature and her people. His legacy and dream lived on long after his death and now we experience and appreciate the perfection that more than 100 years of crafting and expertise can offer in a gin. Roku is Japanese for Six which refers to the six Japanese botanicals used.Cherry blossoms, cherry leaves, green tea (sencha), refined green tea (gyokuro), sanshō pepper, and yuzu are utilized along with eight other traditional gin botanicals. Smooth and oily, the gin has a rich character as it coats the tongue. There’s a fleeting glimpse of cherry blossom and traditional notes before the tea and tannic notes take over. It is an ideal accompaniment to any dish with smoked salmon, and of course the traditional cucumber sandwich.
ABV 43%
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Please select Pick up on checkout screen and email us on in order to let us know which store you prefer to pick up from (excluding Singleton)
Orders are generally ready for pick up within 24-48 hours. A confirmation email will be sent out once product is ready for pick up.
11 Hillend Road Doonside
NSW 2767
Kings Langley
1/1 Solander Road Kings Langley
NSW 2147
Shop 13/6 Victoria Street Werrington
NSW 2747
North Richmond
2/41 Bells line of Road North Richmond
NSW 2754
48 Dublin Street Smithfield
NSW 2164
West Hoxton
Shop 6, Fifteenth Avenue West Hoxton
NSW 2171