W.L. Weller 107 Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
W.L. Weller 107 Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Pauls Liquor Outlet Store (Western Sydney) -Please call us 02 9622 7956 for preferred location
11 Hill End Road
Doonside NSW 2767
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W.L. Weller 107 Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
A wheated bourbon with a full-bodied flavour and a balanced palate. Old Weller Antique is bottled at 107 proof, offering a complex taste and bold finish. It’s certainly a recognizable member of the Weller label, with its own unique characteristics to compliment the high proof. Only one bottle available, a collectors item - very hard to find!ABV 53.50%
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Please select Pick up on checkout screen and email us on Info@paulsliquor.com.au in order to let us know which store you prefer to pick up from (excluding Singleton)
Orders are generally ready for pick up within 24-48 hours. A confirmation email will be sent out once product is ready for pick up.
11 Hillend Road Doonside
NSW 2767
Kings Langley
1/1 Solander Road Kings Langley
NSW 2147
Shop 13/6 Victoria Street Werrington
NSW 2747
North Richmond
2/41 Bells line of Road North Richmond
NSW 2754
48 Dublin Street Smithfield
NSW 2164
West Hoxton
Shop 6, Fifteenth Avenue West Hoxton
NSW 2171